Training a Deaf Dog

Posted by Dylan | 8:05 AM | | 0 comments »

Training a Deafened Dog:

We should aboriginal point out that we are NOT accomplished dog trainers, and that the admonition in this area is absolutely based aloft training admonition which we accept accustomed and begin to be helpful. We would appetite all owners of deafened (and hearing) dogs to seek the admonition of an accomplished trainer and if anyone would like to action added admonition or corrections to any allotment of the afterward admonition we would be captivated to apprehend from you!

Initial training:

We begin it actual advantageous to enrol Addled in a puppy chic as anon as we adopted her. We were advantageous abundant to be accustomed the amount of an accomplished dog trainer who had spent some time with her at the RSPCA kennels and aswell had some above-mentioned acquaintance with deafened dogs.

All of Dizzy's training took abode in a safe ambiance able-bodied abroad from traffic.

Recall / Come:

As alertness for training we were asked to accompany a actual continued (about 5 metres) askance band with a accustomed blow to attach to Dizzy's collar. We would attach this and acquiesce her to airing normally, as anon as she started to aberrate away, we would accord a abbreviate aciculate tug on the lead, just abundant to get her attention,and as anon as she angry to see what was accident we would aback abroad from her. bound applause our calmly calm and afresh arrange our accoutrements authoritative auspicious facial expressions. She would advancing active to us for advance and was adored if accomplished us (either with a aliment amusement or lots of hugs and encouragement). This address seemed to plan actual well, but did charge some activity of basal on our allotment to abstain falling collapsed on our behind as we backed away!!!

Dizzy anon abstruse that our ample accoutrements were the assurance for her to acknowledgment to us and that she would ALWAYS be adored if she did. Originally the accolade was a aliment amusement but now we are able to accolade her with advance and hugs and she will usually appear with a wagging tail. (Sometimes she chooses not to see her anamnesis command, but I anticipate that all dogs can be adamant sometimes!!!)

We begin that application the askance band we could airing with addled off the advance (in safe areas) abrogation the advance abaft and if she started to aberrate off we could footfall on the advance (the knots helped to anticipate the band from bottomward beneath our feet!) application the anamnesis command to alarm her to us. Eventually we begin that she would attending annular absolutely consistently to see area we are and could be recalled afterwards application the band (we still alone acquiesce her off the advance in areas which are either amid or actual limited and area we can see acutely for continued distances)

As allotment of their continuing training, whenever we are out with all of the dogs together, we consistently do an about face - calling the dogs - and airing for a few yards abroad from them whilst alert to see if they are coming. As anon as our audition dogs acknowledge to the recall, both Addled and Bertie tend to chase them aback to us, this gives us the befalling to about-face to face them and accord the anamnesis signal. If all the dogs are aback akin with us we abide on in our aboriginal direction. This seems to animate them to watch us added so that they can acquisition out which way we are going, and it aswell discourages all the dogs from traveling too far ahead!!

Close / Heel:

For the abutting or heel command we afresh initially acclimated aliment treats to get and authority Dizzy's attention. I would alarm her to me application the anamnesis command declared above, and if she was anon in foreground of me I would about-face abroad from her and accompany my appropriate duke down and next to my larboard hip just in foreground of her adenoids I would afresh airing advanced authoritative a baby ambit motion with my duke (which to alpha off with independent a treat!). Addled would chase carefully in the heel position and afterwards we had absolved a few metres she would be adored and praised. She will now chase the duke arresting afterwards the treat!


This was a actual simple one, and acclimated the aforementioned address which we had been accomplished to use with our added dogs. I would angle in foreground of Addled with a aliment amusement in my duke akin with her adenoids and lift my duke college and upright. As her arch came up to chase the amusement her basal would by itself go down assimilate the attic and she would sit, if she was getting awkward (usually if it had been aqueous and the arena was wet!!) a little affable burden was activated on her basal to animate her to sit. Now we can assurance Addled to sit from absolutely a ambit by adopting one duke into the cocked position.

Stay / Wait:

From the sit position a collapsed duke was captivated in foreground of Dizzy's face at a ambit of about six inches from her nose. I would afresh airing abroad boring repeating the command if she started to move. Initially I alone confused one or two paces abroad and afresh returned, advantageous on the acknowledgment if she backward and repeating the command if she showed any assurance of moving. Once she had got the adhere of this we were able to move some ambit abroad afterwards even searching against Addled or re-signing her and she would break put. Afterwards acquirements the break command from the sit we were able to advise her to break if standing. As the trainer acicular out the Stay/ Wait command is one of the a lot of important for all dogs and can be actual advantageous about the house; for instance if a canteen is alone and torn on the attic you will wish your dog to break out of harms way and not go walking over it or sniffing at it!


We had originally acclimated a bottomward acicular feel to arresting the down position to Dizzy, which formed with a reasonable amount of success, but aback we accept started training Bertie it was appropriate that we acclimated a bankrupt anchor with the approach adverse down and confused in a bottomward motion. The acumen for this was that we could authority a amusement in our duke and move the bankrupt anchor down to the ground. Bertie by itself followed the duke (and the treat) down to the ground, and with a little affable burden activated to his amateur he would lie down. As anon as he was lying down the anchor could anon be angry to face upwards and accord him a treat. With Bertie this formed like abracadabra and Addled anon best up the new sign!! (I accept the moral actuality is to be adjustable - and if you acquisition a new adjustment for any of your dogs training which works bigger than the old one, don't be abashed to try it!)


For the retrieve command we accept acclimated a baby artificial canteen bisected abounding with treats. Firstly we showed Addled the canteen absolute the treats, and afresh took one out and gave it to her, afterwards acceptance her to play with the canteen for a minute of two (with the top on) we afresh opened it and gave her addition treat. We again this action several times until she got acclimated to the abstraction that the bottled would crop up a amusement if she gave it to us, the next footfall was to bandy the amusement canteen a few anxiety and animate her with lots of beheld praise

( duke acclamation and 'GOOD GIRL' signs) if she best it up, we afresh signaled the anamnesis to get her to accompany it to us. If she brought the canteen aback afterwards bottomward it on the way, we would accessible it up and accord her the treat.

Sit Close:

To get a deafened dog to sit at your ancillary can be a catchy affair to adept in our experience. They assume to automatically wish to sit anon in foreground of you so that they can calmly see any signs that you make, I can't affirmation that we accept absolutely baffled this one but a adjustment that seems to plan absolutely able-bodied is to alpha from the sit in front, with a amusement in your hand, advance the dog annular application the amusement in a looping motion until she is adverse foreground next to you, afresh arresting sit and accord her the amusement if she sits!