Touch commands are traveling to be your best acquaintance throughout the activity of your new dark and deafened dog. The name explains it all, but I will allocution added about how you do it. You accept to accept treats! Those treats will aswell be your best acquaintance throughout the activity of your new dog! Next is to adjudge area you wish to blow to let the dog apperceive what you wish to do. Blind and Deaf Dog Training. I accept accomplished Youwho that a tap on the rear agency sit and a tap amid the amateur agency lay down. There are no stays or appear commands. Those are the aboriginal two basal commands your dog should know. So, it is actual simple. You tap your dog's rear and again use treats to allurement the dog into a sit. Repeat these accomplishments 10 account anniversary time throughout the day(s) until your dog has it. Only do about 10 account of training, as you don't wish to beat your dog. You do the aforementioned affair with down. So, you tap amid the amateur and again allurement the dog with treats to a down position. Those are the two basal commands your dog should know.